I have been hinting for a few months now that we have some really strategic and even essential areas of need, when it comes to funding. The cold, hard fact of the matter is that sometimes the only difference between unreached people groups having access to the Gospel in their languages or not is dependent on just one thing in earthly terms: money. Because we operate on-field with more of a missional, organic model, there often are not that many financial needs related to the day-to-day work of evangelism and Church planting. However, the greater financial need is for those issues, which are “behind the scenes” so to speak, but are essential in enabling and developing the day-to-day work of mission on the field among these often remote language groups in Europe.

Below I’ve included a PDF document that should give you some of the major financial needs that we have over the next five years. This is not an exhaustive list, and sometimes needs pop up that are unforeseen. But this gives a good perspective of the types of things that require finances in order for us to accomplish our primary goals. Even though the period covered in the document is the next five years or so, the first two items on the list are needed immediately, and are marked “priority.” In fact, we really needed to have those funds raised back in August; so, we’re a good bit behind with them at the moment.

The PDF document gives instructions on how to give, if you feel led to do so (UK residents can give through our Stewardship account or contact us directly). However, if you have questions or would like to talk to us about different ways of giving and assisting us in these practical needs, feel free to write us at [email protected]. Also, feel free to share the PDF document with others.