Vision projects are designed to give a general introduction to the Celtic ministry of The CeLT and the expanded vision and ministry of Linguæ Christi. Vision projects are a non-committal way for Linguæ Christi to share vision and strategy toward possible partnerships with people and entities interested in longer-term missions involvement. Vision projects are ideal for representatives from:


These are professionals involved in collegiate ministry who would like to explore partnership possibilities for involving their students in missions activities in Celtic and other European areas. This would include campus ministers, collegiate pastors, State Convention collegiate ministry representatives, representatives of Christian colleges/universities/seminaries, especially those who might be interested in an academic dimension to partnership missions opportunities for their students.


These are local church, association, and state convention representatives, interested in exploring possibilities for long-term, active partnership with the work of the Linguæ Christi/CeLT.

Missions Agencies

These are representatives of different missions agencies/organisations interested in partnership possibilities with Linguæ Christi/CeLT and

Prospective Candidates

These are individual long-term field missionary candidates. We encourage everyone who is exploring joining our mission to come and see as part of their decision process.

No short-term projects available.