This team will be prayerwalking through communities in North Wales, seeking where God is at work and holding spiritual conversation with Welsh speakers.
9 – 17 June 2023

Project Description

This short-term project is designed to be a mix between collegiate participants (about half of the total team) and post-university, Church-based adult/youth teams (making up the other half). Teams will come to Northwestern Wales and explore Welsh culture and language while spending time in prayer for local initiatives and populations. We consider prayer to be the best introduction to life here in Welsh-speaking Wales and an essential introduction to Linguæ Christi’s ministry. Teams will also learn about narrative mapping – being able to understand a place and a people group better to assist in relating to them more effectively – and missional conversations – initial interactions with Welsh speakers, where Christian faith and spirituality can be shared naturally and conversationally.

Project Details

Affinity Celtic
Location Wales
Focus_People_Group Cymry Cymraeg
Target_Language Cymraeg (Welsh)
Country United Kingdom
Trade_Language English
Category Missional
Dates 9-17 June 2024
#_of_people 10
Cost £880
Application_Deadline 1 March 2024